Specifically, dot log book rules 2018 state that long distance truckers may work 14 hours at a stretch, but no more than 11 hours behind the wheel of their commercial motor vehicle. Not once during your working career have you filled out a log book and you are not at all. If the driver has had to complete a log 8 or fewer days out of the last 30 days, the driver can use a paper log for the day. A logbook is a written account of the hours you work while driving a truck, bus, or ferry. They do not modify or replace applicable federal motor.
But you will need to keep record of start and end time, and anytime you work more than 12 hours, you then need to fill out a log sheet for that day. Each trucker must fill out these forms thoroughly and accurately or else they face harsh consequences. Not once during your working career have you filled out a log book and you are not at all familiar with the process. The federal motor carrier safety administration fmcsa requires logs to be current through the last duty status change. If you plan on fixing cars up for resale at some point id get dot.
The eld faqs are intended to provide plain language information regarding the eld rule. Despite the new legislation mandating electronic logging devices elds that will apply to almost all commercial vehicle operators in the united states, there are still many circumstances which make it important to know how to fill out paper logs. The united states log book and how to fill out the information that goes. Paper log books that are completed manually with a pencil or pen set the standard for recording activities in compliance with the hours of service regulations. Its gross weight is under 10k and i dont haul trailers. The eld rule frequently asked questions are now on the fmcsa eld website at you can now browse by category or search by key terms to find the information you need. Log books canadian rules log books videos smart drive test. Check with your employer to see if you should use electronic logging. This is a basic introduction to filling out log books. For property carrying vehicles, a formal driver vehicle inspection report is only required when a defect is discovered by the driver. If a defect is found, the driver must fill out a report, sign it, and have a mechanic signoff. We have drivers fill out the log book for interstate driving onlynot even 100 mile radius intrastate. Each days dot log book page has a grid with the hours and hour increments listed horizontally across the paper.
Truck driver log book rules and eld mandate michigan. Pretrip inspections log books school bus fleet magazine. For school bus waivers, contact the department of public safety, driver and vehicle services at. Easy to understand, stepbystep instructions to fill out the canadian logbook. You learned during the interview and hiring process that filling out a department of transportation dot log book is part of the job. Outlined are the rules for driving, work and rest time this log book information will. A log book is a written record of your business use of a vehicle over a period of at least 12 continuous weeks, which should be indicative of the whole year of your business travel. Not every company requires you to fill out the remarks section, but this is your. Gvw and larger, including the trailer being pulled, if applicable. If you do that, your driver may record his time on a time card, time sheet, any thing that captures the time started, time finished. Our company said we need to fill out a daily electronic drive log because are trucks are dot registered.
Possession of daily logs and supporting documents by drivers. Scannable eld backup log book with detailed dvir, 2ply, with recap personalized book format, carbonless, with recap, 812 x 512 drivers daily log book wno dvir, 2ply stock. Once you reached the midnight hour you need to record the time and total. In these cases your truck is still considered to be in commerce because it is being used to support a business. Some logs have numerous sections that dont always need to be filled out, so using such logs and leaving sections blank may raise questions for dot officers who may not be aware of what a driver has to fill it out or not. Drivers who are subject to the hours of service regulations must record their daily activities on a record of duty status or log book. Does my driver need to fill out a log book when not working the weekends.
You have to keep a log book if you are operating beyond a hundred and sixty kilometers 100m of your home terminal. You applied for a truck driving job and were offered the position as an overtheroad driver. If youre not already, you should be in the habit of filling out your logs daily. Watch the video to learn the rules for being log book exempt. So what were going to do today were going to talk about logbook exemptions for those drivers who dont need to keep a log book.
This log book information will keep you in compliance with hours of service regulations in the united states. The driver does not have to fill out the shipper line as they are the shipper. A current, valid drivers license for the vehicle being driven. You want to make sure you are sitting comfortably in an area where you can write and fill the forms out neatly, along with drawing lines through the graph showing your daily activities. All drivers must fill out a daily log each day that accounts for all of the drivers onduty time and offduty time for that day. With practice, and training from your new employer, filling out a log book will become easier each time you do it, keeping you in compliance with state and federal laws. A dot officer may cut you a bit of slack if your paper log is not updated to the minute. Do they need to fill out their log books while they are at the home shop or do. We have to fill out the dot log when we travel across state lines or outside of a 100 mile radius from base. How to fill out a paper daily truck drivers log the balance careers. The only drivers who do not need to fill out a daily log are those who qualify for the 160 kilometer radius exemption provided. It covers 11 elements, from who must carry a log book to what information it must contain to how the timekeeping grids should look. How to fill out the form correctly united states log books.
As a cdl driver, you may not have to keep a log book. All drivers must fill out a daily log each day that accounts for. If you run over 12 hours 100 air miles that day then you can use the same log book. Properly filling out an hours of service log is a matter of federal law for truck drivers, as well as company policy. All carriers involved in an fmcsareportable crash in the past year must retain an accident register or report.
Instead, you should fill out your book as you complete each task that needs to be entered. How to fill out a truck driver log book new and updated. The regulations state that you must complete a record of duty status aka a logbook every day, unless if you. Note local driver on the log for that day and flag prepost trips and fuel stops. He starts at 5am and is usually back at the yard by 3pm and does not leave again until the next day.
If you stay within 100 air miles, regardless of state lines, you dont need a log book. Under the electronic logging device mandate, which will go into effect dec. Under the new mandate, drivers will be required to keep paper logs in their trucks. This set of logbook examples help explain the various provisions of the hoursof service rules. We will help you figure out if you need the library quality hardcover book, a spiral bound log, stapled booklet, or maybe you can get by with excel sheets although thats unlikely. Truck driver log book rules and eld mandate truck driver log book rules and the eld mandate for keeping records and the penalties for lying on log books. Did you know that drivers using the 100mile radius exemption and time records instead of logs can cross state lines and still claim the exemptionthat is because the federal motor carrier safety regulations apply to interstate commerce, so crossing the line does. Commercial vehicle drivers hours of service regulations. Similarly, fill out your log book after you have been performing non.
That, coupled with a competent maintenance department, can keep your vehicles on the road, in good shape, and help keep your csa basic scores low. Not once during your working career have you filled out a log book and you are not. Most company policies along with the federal law state that truck drivers must fill out the truck driver log book template. Outlined is the information required to be filled out around the graph and why. The two restart provisions that are currently suspended are not included in this set. Dvirs do you need to fill out an inspection report everyday. Motor carriers whose vehicles have been in an accident in the last 365 days must provide an accident register. The same thing goes for other types of drivers from different companies. Outlined are the rules for driving, work and rest time this log book information will keep you in compliance with hours of service regulations in. The startdestination lines at the bottom of the log are not required. Find out the basic requirements to operate as a motor carrier in minnesota.
The federal regulations required in the hours of service hos forms guarantee that drivers will acquire the rest they need before hitting the road again. For instance, the recap section is not a requirement of the fmcsa. The department of transportation dot sets strict logbook rules. Dvir process driver vehicle inspection report rev 032012 operators will fill out the dvir driver vehicle inspection report inspection book, both pre and post trip inspection, on all equipment 10,001 lbs. If you stay within a 100airmile radius of your normal work reporting location you do not have to complete a log, providing you return to your normal work reporting location and are released from work within 12 consecutive hours. A reportable crash is one in which a vehicle was towed from the scene, or an injury or fatality occurred. This is a basic introduction to canadian rules for log books. Filling out a drivers daily log properly is of the utmost importance. The potential risk is pretty serious, and a quick consultation can save you a lot of headaches, possibly lawsuits. Is my driver required to fill out a logbook when he operates a less than 26k load on a 24ft flatbed and not driving more than the 150 air mile rule. For example, after you take a break, complete the notation for that break before you start working.
Falsifying any information in the dot log book can make. A copy of the previous days daily vehicle inspection report. How to fill out the form correctly us log books log books videos. Once you get the hang of using an eld, it can save you administrative time and help keep you out of trouble for violating log book rules. Logbook instructions penalties for falsification filling out logbooks is not a task commercial truck drivers enjoy doing, but it is the law. Log book requirements you should be aware of truckingoffice. Drivers do not need to fill out the home address line. Specifically, dot log book rules 2018 state that long distance truckers may work 14 hours at a stretch, but no more. According to the log book rules, truckers must keep track of their location and time spent on and off duty. They are required to do so by the federal motor carrier safety administration fmcsa which has enacted rules and regulations governing various aspects of a commercial truck drivers life. Is it a law to fill out a drive log for this when dot registered even if under weight limit. If the driver had to complete a log more than 8 days out of the last 30 days, the driver needs to use an electronic log for the day unless one of the eld exemptions applies, such as operating a vehicle older than model.
How to properly fill out a truck drivers daily log book to fulfill department of. After 10 hours off duty, the driver of a propertycarrying vehicle may drive for up to 11 hours within a 14hour window of time, must take a 30minute break before driving after 8 consecutive hours, and must stop driving after accumulating 60 or 70 onduty hours in 7 or 8 days. While the log books may vary slightly, any commercially produced log book is dot approved. A dot log book contains records jotted down by truckers who detail their activities over the course of 24 hours. Truckers may find it fairly easy to fill a drivers log. A regimen of a complete pretrip at the beginning of the day, walkaround inspection every time the vehicle is parked, and a posttrip at the end of the day is the best practice. There can be nothing on the windshield within the radius of the windshield wipers. The federal motor carrier safety administration regulations have required that every truck driver prepare a record of. What owneroperators need to know drivers daily log. This set of logbook examples help explain the various provisions of the hoursofservice rules. I run one and if you stay within 100 miles log continuously on on duty not driving for up to 12 hours. Falsifying any information in the dot log book can make the driver liable of prosecution.
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